понедельник, 3 марта 2014 г.

Yeghishe Charenc

    Yeghishe Charenc was born in Kars, in 1897. His family came from Persia to Armenia. He first attended an Armenian elementary school, but later transferred to a Russian technical secondary school in Kars from 1908 to 1912. He spent much of his time in reading. In 1912, he had his first poem published in the Armenian periodical Patani (Tiflis).   He is recognized as "the main poet of the 20th century" in Armenia.Later the horrors of the war and genocide had scarred Charents and he became a fervent supporter of the Bolsheviks, seeing them as the one true hope to saving Armenia. His first wife was Arpenik Ter-Astvadzatryan, who died in 1927. In 1931 Charents married to Izabella Kodabashyan. They had two daughters, Arpenik and Anahit.Excepting few poems in journals, Charents could publish nothing after 1934. A victim of Stalinism, he was charged for "counterrevolutionary and nationalist activity" and imprisoned during the 1937 Great Purge. He died in prison hospital. All his books were also banned. Charent's younger friend, Regina Ghazaryan buried and saved many manuscripts of the Armenian poet. Charents was rehabilitated in 1954 after Stalin's death.
My opinion
I like Yeghishe. He has great works of course,but he doesn’t touch my heart as I don’t like speaking about my country. More I like poems about love, which are more romantic. Of course I like my country but I would never write about it… 

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